So I'm back to work now after the Christmas break. Spent today talking about a small templating system that I built for php that uses php itself as the templating language. Few minor tweaks to make then its on to ripping out the guts of the site and rebuilding it to use a nice clean set of templates. This means for the next few weeks I'll be looking at writing valid XHTML (that "will" work on a variety of devices) and CSS. As I'm relatively new to CSS (only having made limited use of it so far) this is going to be quite a learning experience for me. With this in mind I expect to get a book covering CSS from the basics to the advanced level and if I have time I'll post up a quick review of using it. Maybe even see if I can find one that'll cover some DHTML as well... (feel free to recommend one)
In other events I've ordered a finger board and bought the necessary supplies to attach it to the wall. The only problem being that Citylink seam incapable of delivering it so a train ride to the deport is going to have to happen Saturday morning. Looking forward to getting strong ;-) I'll post up some pics and how I get on with training on it...